Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Hardest Decision. Ever.

I hate money. I am going to have to give up my dream job because of money, or lack thereof. Take a risk, some people say. Well unfortunately, as it turns out, I have been taking risks for the last 7 years, and that's why I can't take this one. Regular readers of my blog will see the cruel irony, which is that this dream job is one I've joked about for months and months: working on none other than Doctor Who. If I had a tardis in actual fact, I'd be able to check out the consequences of this decision. However I only have the empty box in BBC reception and a manically, mockingly grinning photo of David Tennant adorning my desk.

I had prepared myself for moving to Cardiff, I'd sorted all those decisions in my head. But I hadn't counted on a mammoth paycut. I don't know why - I think I was distracted by the giant Dalek easter eggs adorning the Marks & Spencers at Cardiff train station.

So unless some vision comes to me in the night, perhaps Billie Piper or scarier, Russell T Davies, I will have to let this opportunity pass me by, and hope for fate to intervene at a later more convenient and financially viable date. Cruel cruel fate.