My new friend and potential flatmate (whom we shall call Uma since she is so beautiful and Swedish-looking despite her rather comforting penchant for Burger King) and I may have found an apartment though, we find out on Monday. We are "holding our thumbs" as they say here (no don't ask, I cannot for the life of me work out where that saying comes from).
Meanwhile I camp out among the boxes and read messages from my friends in faraway places. Really, their lives are far more interesting than mine right now and I'm considering abandoning this whole blog and writing about them instead - Adventurous H is working in Millionaire Marina somewhere in Canada with the likes of Bill Clinton. She just had to go and "drive an inflatable to get the shopping." Eco Hero is in "the ass end of Mexico filming horses die. Had to say grace over a plate of deep fried sheeps balls in george w's favourite restaurant last week before eating them" he reports. So all in all the boxes aren't so bad - Eco Hero is a vegetarian for starters.
Anyway, it's pouring outside (I tried to capture the strange light in the photo but probably failed since it was taken on my phone) and this lonely little petunia has nowhere to go - everyone is on summer holidays- and I can't get home until it stops. I'm stuck in the office. Which, by the way, was recommended as a place to live by a certain staff member here. Now I'm sorry, I already spend quite enough time here without bunking down between the fax and the coffee machine thank you very much. Not to mention being woken up at 5am by overzealous volunteers or worse some kind of clandestine office affair. Imagine it... I'll just hang my wardrobe over here by the finance statements and the spare linen can go in the server room - perfect, it'll be warm and dry in no time!
But while being homeless was kind of unsettling at first (and thanks to Mustang Guy at least I have Hotel Team Sweden, Team Australia is certainly indebted) but it's also kind of freeing. Uma and I are looking forward to (read: obsessing about) finding something great - it just sure as hell won't be in the photocopy room.
Honestly ... you should publish this! it's so entertaining... IF you can pretend that the tragedies it contains are ficticious
Blogging in the office, eh??? Tsk tsk tsk Missy M, go home... oh, right.
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