We went to the tackiest of the tacky (pretty much any bar around Leidseplein, that is). Birdy had just sharply told the leader of a bunch of out-of-towners that the reason we were the most interesting people in the bar (his words, not ours) was because "this wasn't our annual trip to the big city to get drunk" (miaow!), and we were contemplating the fact that this may be the end of the road for our girls' night out, when we met two Swedish guys, Sven and Dan.
Anyway, Mr ("So, how about a massage?") Sven and Dan seemed by far the most interesting people at the bar, so we lent them one of our bikes to double on and headed off to another of Amsterdam's entertainment gems. Sven rode my bike, changing it forever ... in a bent-metal kind of way. At one point, in his smart grey suit with his knees around his ears, he asked in his Arnold-Swchawzenegger, strangely mezmerising robotic voice, "How am I doing?" Unfortunately we had to inform him that he had lost his friend Dan about 3 blocks back (before enquiring about the status of our massage.)
After this night, Sven became a strange recurring force in our lives. One day I was recounting this very story to a friend in a Thai restaurant, when the man himself glided Terminator-like past the window (luckily I was with Australians who were all keen to hear whether or not he had worked his magic on my shoulders). Then a few months later, Birdy and I were reading magazines in the huge expanse of Vondelpark, when Birdy instructed me suddenly to put my magazine over my face. "Now, " she said. "Look over your magazine to that next blanket. Is that ..." We were reduced to tears as Sven, seemingly still wearing the smart grey suit (on a Sunday?) with the legs rolled up, came over and offered us a punnet of strawberries. (It reminded me of that android secret agent in Get Smart.. a little too perfect.)
Fast forward a year and a half. Last night I. and I were bored, and trying to think of relatively inexpensive activities for Birdy when she comes to Stockholm. Suddenly, I knew. Luckily, I. has a hidden talent - she's quite the internet stalker (just an hour ago when I was pondering who I had missed a call from on my phone, she asked "Is it a mobile or land line?" Landline. "Fine, we can use reverse look-up on the internet," she said, before looking guilty at revealing yet more of her own secret agent history, and heading for the bathroom). Under her expert guidance, I. and I managed to track down the results of the London marathon, leading to a finance web-page, leading to her secret method of approximating company email addresses until finally this morning I arrived at work to find an email from ... Sven himself. He replied without blinking an eyelid (or so I imagine), and even recalled our previous coneversation from his memory banks.
So...Birdy and I are excitedly now scheduled for a date with destiny - and Dan - next Thursday. I have (cheerily) suggested strawberry cocktails. Birdy (affectionately) suggests we wear grey. Both of us refrained from mentioning massages. We are not sure if he gets it. Yet.
Here is Sven http://www.maseur.com/
Write me an email!
Hel-lo anonymous!
Reveal your identity anonymous, and be lavished in grateful glory...
My name is John "I'll give you a ride" Black...
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