(Ben, who the corporation refers to only as Central Coder 01 due to his temporary position, comforted me by pointing out that according to Yes Minister, the British invented bureaucracy and I shouldn't let it get me down. Which is a good thing because this week I face the twin hurdles of getting a National Insurance Number and a UK drivers license.)
The week was downhill from there, and I'm feeling pretty unsure about my housing situation and whether my job is right for me, but I swing in a ping-pong like state from 'I'll stick them both out and they will get better' to 'Initiate emergency flat-hunting sequence and prepare escape pod for Sweden'.
On the plus side, apart from the fact that for the first time in several years I don't feel poor and can afford to have a decadent weekend on the beach with Ben and Erin, I have just spent a lovely weekend getting sunburnt in Brighton, going to a friend's gig and being woken up by a 3-year-old Batman impersonator (no that really is on the plus side, he was adorable). Considering that the weekend also involved a song that we believe is AC/DC doing drum and bass, sponge cake in a spaghetti machine (don't ask...or if you do, ask Andy), and a year's worth of saturated fat intake, life is okay from this side of the ping pong table.