But last Sunday any such lingering doubts were blown away by Sharon Jones (aka Shazza Jonesy, as Ben and I have christened her so as to be more recognisable to our Australian palates). I first heard Sharon in a shop in London about two years ago, and immediately bought her album. Last weekend at a drunken dinner party, Ben (of Ben & Erin fame, as well as He Of The Tortoiseshell RayBans) remarked to me how he liked Sharon too, which is kind of odd since she's not exactly a household name. And then, in one of those magic London moments, a quick riffle through the TimeOut and we discovered she was playing at Camden Jazz Cafe on Sunday.
Apart from the fact that the Jazz Cafe is one of the worst venues I've been in (I was longing for good old-fashioned cigarette smoke to cover up the toilet-like smell, not to mention a stage that was high enough for someone of my stature to see without Tom- Cruise-platform-shoes), the gig was fantastic. And the best was the bass player - any guy who can look cool in a handlebar moustache, dark sunglasses and a permanent deadpan expression for over two hours has to be pretty special. And Sharon - she's 51 and LOOK at her for goodness sake. If I'm dancing like that at 51 I won't be complaining (actually, I can't even dance like that now).
In any case Shazza and the Dap Kings certainly brightened up a slightly cold grey London weekend and a lot of CSI, LOST and Ett Herrans Liv withdrawal symptoms. My tv viewing addictions have had to be sacrificed to the whims of my five flatmates, and while we can reach a temporary truce on The Simpsons or Futurama, there is way too much football and Top Gear in the weekly schedule for my liking. Luckily, Ludvig and Emma kindly gave me Six Feet Under Series 5 when I left
Sweden, with a note 'Some temporary friends until you get back' on it. So I'm going to go hang out with my digital friends now, since tonight's living room feature is some Jennifer Lopez movie (maybe Bridges Of Madison County will finally get knocked out of the top spot on Missy M's Worst Film Of All Time list).
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