I feel like writing to Queen of Dumped, who I met last week (weirdly, she has the same birthday as me...and even more weirdly, we both share the most inappropriate birthday of all: Valentines Day. Yes, laugh now while I can't see you). I have just read the Queen's book, and while it's all very well to say 'Go to New York by yourself! Live your life! Be happy and don't worry about being alone!' I've actually done all those things and now I'm just bored and not quite sure where home is any more. Queen of Unrequited doesn't have any better ideas though, so I'm reckoning you could do worse.
On the good side I'm definitely going to get to pitch my program idea to the head of BBC One - I will go in armed with nothing but a large stuffed yellow bear and a hare-brain idea. Unfortunately they tell me it's pretty much impossible to have my desired star, obviously David Tennant, but I've got a few highly amusing replacements in mind.
Other than that, as you can see, things haven't moved much for weeks. At least I'm living with Ben and Erin, although their complete coupleness means that they are unlikely to be out with me until four in the morning like Mia was, or dancing on stage with gay cowboys like me and Irina.
And on a slightly sadder note, I'm worried like hell about my poor sister, who has to have a biopsy done soon. At least she is in Australia though, where despite what she thinks the health care is decent and the cervical cancer vaccination available. I'm in a country where the vaccination is not, largely because some church groups thought it would 'encourage promiscuity'. I know that the yobs on the tube who yell 'England! England' and stab each other (and everyone else) to prove their patriotism wouldn't consider that a serious flaw, but I feel like England has the veneer of modernity but underneath it's really always 1582.
Anyway, this is a rather rambling update due mostly to far too much vodka consumed last night in an attempt to have some fun, in which I am certain I killed a few brain cells, evidenced by the fact I am considering going to see a Stephen King movie tonight (albeit with John Cusack in it, but still).
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