Saturday, September 08, 2007


This week has once again found me at a set of crossroads - I need to decide what to do next because this is just not working. Happily, there are options, but it's like being in the world's best Mexican restaurant and only being able to choose one dish. I had an interview with BBC News Online (Entertainment Reporter, herewith known as the Bridget Jones job). Despite the fact I couldn't remember which film won Best Picture Oscar this year until the minute I walked out the door (damn you, Martin Scorsese), I think I did pretty well.

However, after a stressful week I don't think I really want to be a journalist. So next on the list are a couple of other options - one at a funky design agency based in London and Sweden (yay!) and one back at good old Greenpeace (also in Sweden, yay!). But the problem is I'm not sure whether I'm quite ready to make the move again, even though I miss Sweden and all my friends there like I've left a bit of myself in Irina's cupboard (Irina kindly sent me the signpost above). My final option is a job in Ben's department at the BBC, which I'm going to go and find out about on Friday. It would be good to do that for a year or two, get some money under my belt, and THEN go back to Sweden. But maybe then it's too late.

Hopefully all roads lead to Stockholm...

Meanwhile, I'm off to Glasgow to, of all things, possibly meet the gold-painted lady from Goldfinger. More on that tomorrow!

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