Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Escape to New York

Apart from never having felt so exhausted since I lived on the Rainbow Warrior back in 'Nam (ok, back in Korea), it is just so good to be here. At first I had a momentary fear that I'd constantly be the third wheel, that I was too tired to deal with being a tourist, and that I was far too weak-willed to resist the plethora of shoes that NYC has to offer. But as soon as I experienced the most entertaining airport bus journey of my life and noticed the Mexican restaurant that adorns every corner, I remembered that this is my kinda town. (Needless to say, we have already sampled a Mexican restaurant after visiting no less than four in research. I love this city!)

My sister Lola and her boyfriend Mark and I spent yesterday just wandering (largely into shoe shops) and Mark was very excited to discover that not only is The Golden Girls on constant repeat but there was also a selection of Golden Girls merchandise in the local gay shop. (Mark bought two tshirts. There, I've said it. I'm sorry Mark but anyone who thinks Blanche is sexy deserves to be outed).

Unfortunately, this internet connection (from the hotel lobby of Hotel Pennsylvania - Mark and Lola think I'm nuts for singing 'Pennsylvania 65000' all the time but apparently this hotel is the one in the song and has had the same phone number since 1917...the mind boggles) is very unreliable so I can't upload any pictures or write anything proper. Tomorrow I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go to Starbucks.


Anonymous said...

Cool photo!

Anonymous said...

Blanche IS Hot !!!